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  5. Controlling the Virtual Keyboard and the Custom Keyboard
  6. Unitech – Display and hide the Virtual Keyboard with a key

Unitech – Display and hide the Virtual Keyboard with a key

Unitech WD100

We will see an example about how to assign a key, the action of displaying or hiding the Virtual Keyboard.

We use the Unitech WD100 device and we want to display and hide the Virtual Keyboard using the F1 button:


By default, this key is remapped to increase the volume. 

But in this case, we can see how to remap this key in the following way:

Open TellNext and select a profile. Then, select the Test Menu option on the top left of the screen and the Keyboard Test option from the next menu.




Select the corresponding process you want to use the key for activating/deactivating the Virtual Keyboard and press the key.



You will see the Scan Code to configure in the _tnx_process file in the following way:

"Keyboard": {
    "LockKbdKey": "0000",
    "LockKbdDo": false,
    "VirtualKeyboard": {
      "On": false,
      "Size": 25,
      "LandscapeOrientation": "SIDE",
      "ShowOnKey": "0158"

When this configuration is loaded and TellNext opened, the Virtual Keyboard will be hidden (VirtualKeyboard.On: false). As you press the F1 button in your device (VirtualKeyboard.ShowOnKey: “0158”), the Virtual Keyboard will be displayed.