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  5. EVA Player Change Log

EVA Player Change Log

2024-05-17, v3.1.4
  1. #36871 EVA - New feature to play audio from JS
2024-05-02, v3.1.3
  1. #36529 Fix code obfuscation issues for beacons
2024-04-26, v3.1.2
  1. Minor fix in Intents
  2. #34635 Add BeaconNext to EVAPlayer
2024-xx-xx, v3.1.1 (??)
  1. #34208 ADD Tesseract OCR to EVAPlayer (fix & improvements)
  2. Beacon feature implementation
2024-02-20, v3.1.0
  1. #34208 ADD Tesseract OCR to EVAPlayer
2024-02-16, v3.0.8
  1. #34323 Accept ClearTextTraffic with Javascript
2023-10-02, v3.0.7
  1. #30262 Disallow Power Suspend 
2023-08-10, v3.0.6
  1. #29289 EVA Purge Logs
2023-08-01, v3.0.5
  1. #28488 AccessibilityService cause External Keyboard error.
  2. #29157 New device using different Video Capturer warning dialog.
2023-06-19, v3.0.4
  1. #28266 Service crashed after left open over night
  2. #28264 SHUT_DOWN problems with multiple packageNames
2023-04-11, v3.0.3
  1. #26035 Make ScannerMode compatible with Reflex WEB
2023-03-15, v3.0.2
  1. #25169 Add ACTION_IME_ENTER
2022-12-13, v3.0.1
  1. #14283 Add initialization delay
  2. #23315 Optimize action configuration parsing to make EVA Player faster.
2022-10-25, v3.0.0
  1. #21551 EVA Player to be specific for Android Apps
  2. #21840 Add dialog input via script
  3. #22173 Add scriptAction in "input"
2022-09-23, v2.2.8
  1. #21233 MediaProjectionManager change on A10 and A11
2022-08-22, v2.2.7
  1. #20406 DaCo Library functions doesn't work with PTL
  2. #20407 intentAction() not executing a command.
2022-06-30, v2.2.6
  1. #14260 Ajouter la prise en charge du dialogue DACO
  2. #14292 DACO Library
  4. #14278 Android 10 - 11
2021-10-19, v2.2.5
  1. #1732 Simplify log output from EVAPlayer
  2. #1747 Better startup management with EVA Selector
  3. #1738 Create modules folder for easier making scripts
  4. #1749 Documentations, new JS functions and JavaScript dialog.
  5. #1761 Add new ViaIntent solution for Unitech scanner  
2021-04-12, v2.2.4
  1. #1734 Make it possible for JavaScript to use REST and XMLHttpRequest
2021-04-08, v2.2.1 - v2.2.3
  1. #1533 Prise en compte de la Bague ProGlove - it didn't work with some configurations.
  2. #1733 Add support for IntentScanner
  3. #1730 Android 10 -11 (partly fixed, changed permission for reading /sdcard)
2021-03-16, v2.2.0
  1. #1717 New APK certificate
  2. #1533 Prise en compte de la Bague ProGlove  
2020-05-27, v2.1.2
  1. #771 Adapt Eva Selector/Player/Logger to new API 29 (Android 10) about app launch  
2019-05-19, v2.1.1
  1. #1453 Make EVA Logger faster...
  2. #1455 Add new fields to DB
  4. #1456 Add new fields for setVariable and SET_TEXT..
  3. #1458 Fix OS bug - in function findAccessibilityNodeInfosByViewId
2019-10-29, v2.1.0
  1. Removed timer, changed way of receiving AccessibilityNodes from the OS
  2. Added "saveFullImages" option
  3. #854 Create a text file with detailed version when launching 
  4. Added onExit to capture variables in between screens
2019-05-21, v2.0.4.00
  1. Bug fix, {{previousScreen}} variable was set to current screen
  2. NullPointerException fix 
2019-05-16, v2.0.3
  1. Bug fix with retryWhenBlank - Did not always respect the requested number
  2. Added STOP_EVA action
  3. Minor improvements and code cleaning
2019-05-13, v2.0.2
  1. Added "disallowSameScreen" option for the "START_OVER" action
  2. "waitForObject" implemented. Execute the action when the following object is found on screen.
  3. New action SET_VARIABLE. Used exactly the same as SET_GLOBAL_VARIABLE but with the new option "isGlobalVariable": true/false.
  4. SET_GLOBAL_VARIABLE is deprecated,
  5. Images saved by OCR in DEBUG mode are now saved with number sequence first instead of the name. (00001_xxx.bmp, etc...)
  6. "important" flag now ignores the "previousScreen" option
  7. To disallow entering a screen when "previousScreen" is in blank (user just came from EVA Selector), add a ! char... (ex: "previousScreen": "!")
  8. "retryWhenBlank" is no longer a Boolean but an Integer. Indicates the number of retries to make when OCR is unable to find a value. Aprox. ~100 milliseconds will pass between each retry
  9. "checkObject" added for Jactions. Will check if an object exist on the screen, will replace in the field "value" the string %check% to 0 if not found, or 1 if found. This would later be used in a doIf.
2019-05-07, v2.0.1
  1. Implemented fail safe Thread for when screen is lost.
2019-05-06, v2.0.0
  1. Implemented "databases", read a csv file into memory with column a and b for fast access from a JavaScript file
  2. Implemented of Zebra EMDK to block Home, Recent, NotificationBar and complete removal of the NavigationBar
  3. Added ShowUnpairBarcode parameter for BT Pairing
  4. Fixed bug, did not purge old logs and ocr images. Purge is made with files older than 48 hours
  5. JhideArea, created a hideArea object. You can now hide an area from the previous screen thus making it dificult for the user to see the value needed to be hidden
  6. Fix bug SET_GLOBAL_VARIABLE, did not convert variables to its proper value
  7. Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes
  8. Fixed lint problem for using a version lower than API 26
  9. Added Threads for quicker processing of Accessibility
 10. Fixed bug with Wait4EventId
 11. Changed NotificationTimeout from 500 to 1000
 12. Changed targetSdkVersion to 25
 13. Changed SET_GLOBAL_VARIABLE to accept "fromObject" so you can read a value from screen when executing
 14. Added writeLog JavaScript function to write string directly to the EVA log file
 15. Fixed bug with doIf when empty strings was to be compared
 16. Added build counter to version number of EVA Player
 17. Added "orTextContains" to conditions in order to be able to validate various strings in only one condition 
 18. Added "important" option to Jscreen. This allows to connect to a screen even though another screen is currently active.
 19. Added Block Screen Fail safe. This makes it possible to always unlock the screen by pressing 3 times rapidly the unlock button.