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NextBeacon Change Log

2023-02-06, v10.0.1.310
 1. #24191 Beacons not found after turning off the screen for more than 4 minutes... 
2023-01-24, v10.0.1.309
 1. #24000 Update of Beacon finder logic
2023-01-12, v10.0.1.308
 1. #14267 Add UUID parameters in _tn_beacon.jcf
2022-12-07, v10.0.1.307 (works with Tellnext v1.0.19.510+)
 1. #14270 BeaconNext Be able to detect 2 beacons at the same time
 2. #23247 Improve Beacon algorithm 
2022-06-09, v10.0.1.305/306
 1. #19087 NextBeacon -> Not finding beacons under Android 10
2020-08-25, v10.0.1.304
 1. Added more logging and when Bluetooth will be automatically enabled if the service is turned on
2020-08-21, v10.0.1.303
 1. Re-compiled with new common-library (maven)
2020-04-22, v10.0.1.302
 1. #1447 Adding a simple message to listen to beacons
2020-02-24, v10.0.1.300
 1. First release