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Installation Files Change Log

2022-11-24, TellNext/Tools/_Install_HCM.bat v1.0.19.510
  1. #22857 Uninstall before downgrading versions
2022-11-24, VoiXtreme/Tools/_Install_HCM.bat v4.2.9.502
  1. #22857 Uninstall before downgrading versions
2022-02-24, TellNext/Tools/_Install_HCM.bat and _Install_HCM_MULTIPLE.bat v13.0.1.508
  1. Check if /sdcard/hubone/hcm folder exists, if not, create it on the device
  2. Push the HCM cofig file (jcd & jcf) to this folder from the installation path (Tools/Base_Files/hcm)
  3. _Install_HCM_MULTIPLE.bat deprecated
2021-10-11, TellNext/Tools/_Install_HCM.bat and _Install_HCM_MULTIPLE.bat, VoiXtremeEngine/Tools/_Install_HCM.bat, v13.0.1.503
  1. Check if HCM is installed and manage versions
  2. Use a single bat call to differentiate the installation of the logcat version and the release version
2021-04-27, New files: TellNext/Tools/_Install_HCM.bat and _Install_HCM_MULTIPLE.bat
  1. Performing HubOne Connection Service installation (single and multiple devices)