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SpeakerNext Change Log

2023-09-29, v2.2.0.501
  1. #30379 Update and improve DaCo Library for SpeakerNext.
  2. #30260 Add JS - REST API and via WebSocket.
  3. #30261 Add DaCO to SpeakerNext
2023-08-11, v2.2.0.500
  1. #29142 SpeakerNext JS Motor
2023-06-30, v2.1.4.502
  1. #28542 Add Emulator and root check
2023-05-24, v2.1.4.501
  1. #27535 Fix security issue raised by SysDream
2023-05-12, v2.1.4.500
  1. #25318 SET_STDKWD before Calibrate (OPENQA)
2023-03-07, v2.1.3.508
  1. #25033 Exception receiving Intent
2023-02-28, v2.1.3.507
  1. #24807 Spooler mode, turn scanner on and off
  2. #24815 Add Intents to Spooler mode.
2022-11-04, v2.1.3.506
  1. #22361 Allow multiple duplicated keywords in JSON format
2022-04-09, v2.1.3.505
  1. #16781 Special treatment for LMS application.
2022-01-23, v2.1.3.504
  1. #14296 SpeakerNext cannot open Calibrate (Android 11)
2021-06-15, v2.1.3.503
  1. Updated gradle version from 4.1.1 to 4.1.3
  2. Updated Kotlin version from 1.4.21 to 1.4.32
  3. #1761 Add new ViaIntent solution for Unitech scanner
2021-03-19, v2.1.3.502
  1. Removed disabling of Bluetooth when opening SpeakerNext Profile Activity
2021-02-24, v2.1.3.501
  1. #1465 Dialogue SpeakerNext via INTENT
2021-02-08, v2.1.3.500
  1. #1106 ViaIntent (ProGlove) Implementation
  2. #1534 Ajouter la gestion des INTENT dans SpeakerNext pour le pilotage de périphérique (ProGlove Part)
  3. #1708 Create SpeakerNext Example for Savoye
2021-01-26, v2.1.2.510
  1. #1705 Add new command "DELETE" and removal of .lcf files when switching profile.
2020-12-11, v2.1.2.509
  1. #1685 Upgrade to use Android 10 libraries.
  2. #1686 SpeakerNext crash on some devices not being Zebra.
2020-05-05, v2.1.2.508
  1. #1452 Add function to block HomeKey et recentappKey
2020-01-20, v2.1.2.507
  1. #565 Permettre le lancement de Speakernext par Intent (updated autoStartProfile with new features)
2019-10-21, v2.1.2.506
  1. Removed VoiXtreme Engine command restrictions
2019-09-12, v2.1.2.505
  1. #854 Create a text file with detailed version when launching
2019-09-05, v2.1.2.504
  1. #880 Included Honeywell barcode types with the Intent Scanner
2019-09-02, v2.1.2.503
  1. Bug fix, BT headsets was not unpaired when receiving a CLOSE command (BT Pairing must be version
2019-08-13, v2.1.2.502
  1. Fixed bug in the LoggerService  
2019-08-05, v2.1.2.501
  1. Added silentMode option when starting from command line
  2. The secret package view is now opened from the Toolbar and works in both LANDSCAPE and PORTRAIT
  3. Implemented the Jbluetooth.onAtOpen option
  4. When re-selecting an active profile you get asked if to restart the session or continue with the current one.
  5. When opening SpeakerNext Profile Selector, all active scanners will be released. 
2019-07-29, v2.1.2.500
  1. Logcat function introduced
  2. Added new functions to know when scanner is lost/re-connected
  3. Fixed bug to check if VoiXtreme Engine was alive or not
  4. Misc minor improvements
2019-05-30, v2.1.1.506 (version only exist at Auchan)
  1. Bug fix; When "voixtreme" folder was missing, still tried to copy files without showing an error message.
  2. Bug fix; Status was not sent for command <OPENKB> and <OPENQA>
  3. Bug fix; If Calibrate started and voiXtreme did not initialize correctly, the vocal engine gave the wrong status: running.
  4. Bug fix; If Scanner APP wasn't installed, SCANNER_STATEKB/QA did not respond
  5. Added FileProvider management for treatment of local Web pages on the device.
  6. Added IntentScanner section in _snx_scanner_configuration.jcf.
  7. Added "CloseOnSelect" in _snx_configuration.jcf. (close SpeakerNext after profile was chosen)
  8. In the main Activity the profiles listed are now sorted alphabetically
  9. Start a profile automagically through StartActivity adding the String parameter "autoStartProfile".
 10. Added flag FLAG_RECEIVER_FOREGROUND to all Broadcasts sent
2019-05-13, v2.1.1.505
  1. Bug fix; SpeakerNext did not start correctly in landscape mode
2019-02-27, v2.1.1.504
  1. Tnx Barscanner now sends "SDK" in the FILTER field, this so we know if to ignore or not status when using two scanners simultaneously.
  2. Added new way of detecting if the VoiXtreme Engine service is running or not, (could fail on some devices)
  3. Added "Bluetooth" parameters in order to be able to deactivate Bluetooth when using the command "CLOSE"
  4. Bluetooth is turned off when entering the select profile menu
  5. Fix bug with status (alive) check of the VoiXtreme Engine service
  6. Added APP version number at the bottom of the screen (portrait mode only)
  7. We now accept using two scanners (SDK must be Internal)
  8. Added "Commands" in the SNX configuration file, only valid command at the moment is COPY
2018-11-13, v2.1.1.503
  1. Implemented SCANNER support

NOTE: For the scanner part to work correctly you must use BT Pairing v7.0.3.536+, Barscanner Honeywell, v3.0.3.606+