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Installation Files Change Log

2022-11-07, v2.1.3.506
#22393, Tools/_Install_SpeakerNext.bat
  1. By default, on Express installation mode, the profiles and the demo website is not copied in the device. 
     If non-express mode, ask the user whether to copy or not the demo files.
2022-05-09, v2.1.3.505
#14529, Tools/_Install_SpeakerNext.bat
  1. New SpeakerNext installation modes (EXPRESS & NORMAL)
  2. Integration of the new SpeakerNext installation files (several new bat files)
  3. /Devices/Install_SpeakerNext_Logcat.bat and /Devices/Install_SpeakerNext.bat and deleted and replaced by generic installation files (not specifically for logcat versions)
2022-01-28, v2.1.3.504, Tools/_Install_SpeakerNext.bat & _Install_SpeakerNext_Logcat.bat
  1. #14023 New APK integrating Zebra and Honeywell devices tnx-barscanner-rel*.apk
  2. BarScanner Google Play is installed for GENERIC devices. BarScanner ZBar deprecated.
  3. #14286 New adb command added to the installation bat file: 
     adb shell appops set com.voixtreme.speakernext SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow
2021-02-08, Tools/_Install_SpeakerNext.bat & _Install_SpeakerNext_Logcat.bat
  1. Activating Location service for Android 9+
New file created: NewVersionStructure.bat
  1. Create new NAS folder structure for new versions
2020-10-09, Tools/_CopyAPK.bat
  1. Add BTPairing and BarScanner integration in the SpeakerNext pkg → New file created: _CopyBarscannerAndPair.bat
  1. Do not block if the voice is not installed, the installation will be done after SpeakerNext installation
  2. Install Bt_pairing
  3. Install the BarScanner according to a choice of platform during the installation
  4. Install SpeakerNext
  1. Platform added