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Screen Tracker Change Log

 1. Rewrote the data access layer.
 2. Added support for HOL licenses.
 3. Modification of .Net framework (4.7.2).
 1. Added the ability to create, modify, extract and import custom widget libraries.
 2. Added voice assistance via widget.
 3. Fixed loss of TellNext version when saving application settings.
 4. Added translation of triggers tab context menu.
 5. Added support for the OnDisconnect script.
 1. Added project version import and export functionality.
 2. Added dynamic thumbnail refresh.
 3. Added a new Grid Widget.
 4. Updated contextual help.
 5. Fixed the Template\PlatformLanguages folder lost bug when creating a new version.
 1. Fixed a bug that appeared in version on the creation of a new project version.
 2. Fixed a bug that appeared in version on grammar compilation.
 1. Addition of multilingual project management.
 2. Porting the application to 64 bits.
 1. Fixed a bug when closing a trigger after changing tabs.
 2. Fix widgets.
 3. Added the ability to use named variables.
 4. Fixed variable summary display.
 5. Automatic transfer from name to alias name when creating a trigger.
 6. Added the ability to edit the description of a project version.
 7. Added new properties on the calculator (MinItems, MaxItems, ItemsErrorPhrase, ItemsErrorDescription).
 8. Remove duplicates on AID_ENTER and ENTER terminators.
 9. Fixed the bug on decreasing the number of variables of a widget.
 10. Changing the Tab Id on the Keyword Entry Screen.
 1. Addition of a wizards for entering values of widget variables.
 2. Fix widgets.
 3. Added suffix grammar support.
 4. Telerik version change.
 5. Added the possibility to store the projects everywhere.
 1. Fix the generation of standard keywords when the selected language is different from French.
 2. Fix widgets
 3. Fix the migration of a Wireless Telnet project into a TellNext project when apostrophes are present in different fields of the project
 4. Addition of an entry control on the question field and the information field when adding a confirmation on a keyword
 1. Fixed the bug when compiling a Wireless Telnet project with the 2.6.6 vocal engine
 2. Fixed the bug when compiling a TellNext project (Problem generating the field: Initialize.CustomKbdLayout in the _tnx_triggers.jcf file)
 3. Correction of the "Information" widgets to display several information in priority 2 and 1
 1. Added the functionality Widget.
 1. Fix keyword saving with multiple scan codes.
 1. Adding Kilos grammar for TellNext projects.
 2. Adding Triplex grammar for TellNext projects.
 3. Adding new license management.
 1. Increase the input area of the information ASR to 500 caracteres.
 2. Adding the documentation generation.
 3. Adding TellNext version information.
 1. Adding the KW Format field for TellNext projects.
 2. Optimizing software performance.
 3. Remove the Input.Expected field on the generation of the tnx_triggers.jcf file
 4. Generating custom grammars from the letter A for TellNext projects.
 5. Increasing the display area of a project designation.
 6. Changing generation rules for function keywords.
 1. Added the vxt_configuration.jcf crush option on the change target platform.
 2. Added a link to the template vocal engine on TellNext.
 1. Help updates.
 2. Added a warning message when an ipda profile is missing.
 3. Added the ScriptOnWidgetInput field on the export of the _tnx_triggers.jcf file.
 4. Added the emulation options.
 5. Fixed previous matches when duplicating a wireless telnet project to a TellNext project.
 6. Added the adding enclosing parentheses on adding a previous.
 7. Added the suppression of trigger conditions with null value on a wireless telnet project duplication to a TellNext project.
 8. Ghost screen deletes added to database migration in version 2.2.
 9. Changed the terminators reports rule on a telnet wireless project duplication to a TellNext project.
 10. Fix for the release of the memory of the datatables on the DAL.
 11. Fix on the keep grammar during a target platform change.
 12. Added variable migration in trigger conditions on a telnet wireless project duplication to a TellNext project.
 13. Added point grammar management for projects created on a version prior to version 1.3.11.
 14. Added alphas grammar management.
 15. Standardization on tts on autotrigger triggers for projects created on version prior to version 1.3.11.
 16. Fix bug on search.
 17. Fix the display of keywords with multiple scan codes.
 18. Fix bug on project migration (loss of affected standard grammars).
 1. Help updates.
 2. Added a warning message when an ipda profile is missing.
 3. Added the ScriptOnWidgetInput field on the export of the _tnx_triggers.jcf file.
 4. Added the emulation options.
 5. Fixed previous matches when duplicating a wireless telnet project to a TellNext project.
 6. Added the adding enclosing parentheses on adding a previous.
 7. Added the suppression of trigger conditions with null value on a wireless telnet project duplication to a TellNext project.
 8. Ghost screen deletes added to database migration in version 2.2.
 9. Changed the terminators reports rule on a telnet wireless project duplication to a TellNext project.
 10. Fix for the release of the memory of the datatables on the DAL.
 11. Fix on the keep grammar during a target platform change.
 12. Added variable migration in trigger conditions on a telnet wireless project duplication to a TellNext project.
 13. Added point grammar management for projects created on a version prior to version 1.3.11.
 14. Added alphas grammar management.
 15. Standardization on tts on autotrigger triggers for projects created on version prior to version 1.3.11.
 1. Help updates.
 2. Fix on Migration of a Wireless Telnet Project to TellNext.
 3. Fix to keep help for entering terminators on project duplication and project migration.
 4. Fix on the recording of the voixtreme version during a migration of wireless telnet project to a TellNext project.